LED Display Resolution and Your Image

The quality of your image matters when it comes to an LED display, which explains why there are so many different sizes and resolutions available on the market today. It can be challenging to pick out the right size, however, when you don’t have the knowledge necessary to determine what size and resolution will work best for your needs. This article will provide you with insights on how resolution affects your image in order to help you make the right decisions when shopping around.

The Effects of Large and Small Pixel Sizes

LED signs are often talked about in terms of sign “matrix”. Simply put, a matrix is the number of pixels high by the number of pixels wide your sign will be. Two signs that have the same outside dimensions but are not the same pitch will each have a different matrix “pitch”. For instance, a sign with a 10mm pitch that is 4’5” by 8’3”, has a matrix of 120 x 240, and sign of the same size with a 16mm pitch has a matrix of 72 x 144.
A smaller pitch doesn’t necessarily mean a better look. It depends on how close the viewers are to your sign. The further away you are from a sign, the larger pitch could look just as good as the smaller pitch appears. This is because some pixels may be too small to see at that distance anyway. There is no right or wrong answer in terms of matrix size, it all depends on how close you want people to stand and how large of an image you would like to achieve.

The Advantages of LED Displays

One of today’s hottest trends in technology is LED display resolution. As you might know, in short, an LED is a semiconductor diode that produces light when an electric current passes through it. Nowadays LED displays have replaced many other types of screens because they consume less power and are very durable. In fact, to some extent LED display resolution has taken over television screens altogether because they allow for brighter colors without consuming too much energy.

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